I N S T A L L A T I O N To install: 1. If you have an old version of GMS, DELETE IT. 2. Copy the entire libs/ directory to LIBS:. Make sure that the GPI/ and other sub-directories go in there too. 3. Copy the includes/ directory to where you keep your INCLUDES:. (If you have E, you may have to move the EModules directory to the appropriate place). 4. Assign GAMESLIB: to the demos/ directory (make this a permanent assignment). 5. If you have CygnusEd and are interested in the assembler sources, copy Extras/ceddefaults.s to your S: directory. This will set the correct tab stops for the source files (which have a .s extension). 6. Everything else goes wherever you want to put it, but make sure you can find things when you need them. If you have any problems with the executables, SnoopDOS can often tell you what is wrong. If you are wondering where the icons are, I happen to use a directory manager so I don't create any. You will have to make your own if you want to use Workbench. What else do you need? GMS also supports files packed with XPK, so you may like to get that off Aminet. The place to go for this is: utils/pack/xpk_User.lha Don't bother getting the developer files, GMS handles all the technical work for you. To run the demos, just open a shell window, CD to the demos/ directory and execute them. If they don't work, then there is either not enough chip ram available, they can't find the games.library, or they can't find the data files. Most require some sort of joystick or mouse activity if you are to see anything happen. If something goes wrong it may be a bug, so you should write and tell me what happened. Demos support Left-Amiga + M screen switching.